北京市房山区诺德安达学校为1,728名学生提供世界水平的教学环境和设施。学校面向年龄在 6岁至18岁之间的学生,为他们提供全新多元的 学习体验。学校将融合中西教育理念、推进多元 教学。全方位、多角度的学习与生活,将以中华文化为根基,融合实施北京市中小学核心课程及受 到全球广泛认可的先进的教学方法及教育资源,提升学生在全球背景下必备的核心素养,引领他 们在未来日益激烈的全球竞争中走向成功。
Opening in September 2019, NAS Beijing provides a state of the art, world-class teaching and learning environment with a total student capacity of 1,728. Providing a unique blended learning experience, NAS Beijing will offer students the best of eastern and western education resources and philosophies for students aged 6 - 18. The programme will be based on the Chinese K-12 curriculum blended with globally respected international teaching pedagogy and education resources. Students will experience a solid foundation of Chinese culture, whilst equipping them with the knowledge and skills they will need to be successful in an increasingly globalised world.
我们的教育理念 - 安达励志,志在高远
Be Ambitious - Our Education Philosophy
安达励志,志在高远: 我们相信学生的成就将无可限量,在他们通往成功的道路上,我们将全力以赴。
United by a common philosophy-We are ambitious for our students, our people and our family of schools.
By ambitious, this means that we believe that there is no limit to what our students can achieve and we will support them to achieve more than they may have thought possible.
Learning at Nord Anglia School, students will be inspired by both Chinese and International teachers to be personally, socially and academically ambitious.
全球校园: 独特的全球学习机会
Global Campus - Unique International Opportunities
Bringing together a family of 56 schools, our Global Campus connects our students, giving your child access to international opportunities.
联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
来源:国际学校网 本页网址:http://ndad.ctiku.com/beijing/201288.html本网站所收集的部分公开资料来源于互联网,转载的目的在于传递更多信息及用于网络分享,并不代表本站赞同其观点和对其真实性负责,也不构成任何其他建议。本站部分作品是由网友自主投稿和发布、编辑整理上传,对此类作品本站仅提供交流平台,不为其版权负责。如果您发现网站上有侵犯您的知识产权的作品,请与我们取得联系,我们会及时修改或删除。电子邮箱:jiangyue2012@qq.com